Father's Day Gift Packages

Click to get Fathers Day Gift Packages Item ID: #15207
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Good Fathers are hard to come by, I mean they're as rare as good kids. So take advantage of Father's Day to give back to Dad.

If you're a pretty difficult child and/or adult get Dad the "Bad Kid Package". He'll receive a Football Cocktail Shaker than you can actually play with, a Moose Head Bottle Opener, A Jumbo Remote Control, a Scrabble "DAD" Photo Frame, a Fake Cigar (of course), a "Communicate Effectively with your Father" Breath Spray, a prank, Shocking Razor, and a Tiny Hammock that can be setup pretty much anywhere! Dad will forgive you for your disrespect and the years you've personally taken off his life.

Now if you're a well behaved kid or adult get Dad the "Good Kid Package". This Package contains awesome items as well but doesn't have as much to make up for. He'll get a Moose Bottle Opener, a Scrabble "Dad" Frame, a Tiny Hammock that can be setup anywhere, a "Communicate Effectively with your Father" Breath Spray, and a prank, Shocking Razor. Either Package is gonna make Dad laugh himself deeper into his recliner and this is his Day so make sure he's happy... then ask him to borrow $2,000.00.

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"How Was Your Day?" Wine Glass
Men's Funderwear
Bride and Groom Shot Glass Set
Pig Whoopee Cushion
Shrunken Head
Awesome Party Pirate Hats
Pink Freud Pill Box
Pokey Keychain
Zombie Colorful Erasers
Gnarly Noses - Set of Six