Magical Blow On/Off Light Switch

Click to get Magical Blow OnOff Light Switch Item ID: #14858
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The Magical Blow On and off Light Switch is the most amazing gadget you'll ever find. It attaches to any electrical appliance and allows you a freestanding, portable Light Switch to position anywhere you choose. You can flip the switch or Blow on the Switch to activate or deactivate the appliance. Sleep with a light Switch on your pillow, have the Light Switch on your coffee table, have a light switch on your toilet, have a Light Switch under your bed. We're not sure why or what you'll be using this for but it sure is a fascinating gadget. I have mine under the desk so I can flip the lights off discreetly and eerily when the pesky children from the basement come up to bug me for candy. Use it at your own discretion and have a ton of fun using it pointlessly.

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